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ESSIAC® Powder


           ESSIAC® Powder Formula

ESSIAC® Herbal Tea – Dietary Supplement – granular, powdered herbs for brewing.   The product contains ingredients of plant origin that strengthen the immune system.

One pack:

  • contains 42.5 g of powdered herbs;
  • serves to make about 2 liters of infusion;
  • administer the infusion 3 times a day; it will last for a period of 2 to 3 weeks.

ESSIAC® Herbal Tea is a four – component blend of powdered herbs, with a precisely composed proportion of individual ingredients, which owing to certain subtle dependencies, allows to achieve the maximum effect of health boosting.

Its components are the following:

  • Burdock root Arctium lappa – powder
  • Sheep sorrel leaves  Rumex acetosella – powder
  • Slippery elm inner bark Ulmus fulva – powder
  • Indian rhubarb root Rheum officinale– powder

ESSIAC® Herbal Tea – is produced in accordance with the recipe first published by Nurse Rene M.Caisse, who benefited from the medicinal expertise of Canadian Indians.


1. Add one unit of ESSIAC® to 88 oz (approx. 2.5 liters) of water in a covered vessel. Use filtered, distilled or spring water. Use stainless steel or glassware. Do not use an aluminum vessel. 
2. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Keep covered during this process. 
3. Remove from heat, keep covered and let stand for 4 hours to attain maximum potency. 
4. Bring to a boil again and then reduce to a simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Keep covered during this process. 
5. Remove from heat. Cover, refrigerate and let stand for 6-8 hours to increase potency and to allow the sediment to settle out. 
6. Scald, or dishwasher clean, a glass (preferably use many twist closed preserve type jars) or plastic container. Pour liquid out of the sediment, close and store in a refrigerator. A small amount of sediment may be present in the final ESSIAC® liquid. Keep refrigerated. Do not freeze or microwave. 
7. ESSIAC® is an organic, non-toxic, drug free herbal remedy which contains no additives or preservatives. The botanicals used in ESSIAC® have not been treated with herbicides or pesticides. 

Daily Usage (Powder) Use ESSIAC® for twelve consecutive weeks. 

Protocol #1: 
2 oz. (60 ml) every 12 hrs. 

Protocol #2: 
3 fl oz (60-100 ml) 3 times daily 

1 fl oz. (30 ml) every 12 hrs. for daily well-being

1. No Food or Drink 1 Hour Before or After Taking ESSIAC® 
2. Not to be taken by pregnant women, nursing mothers or infants. 

Sediment: There will be sediment in the bottom of the vessel after the preparation. The sediment, when separated from the ESSIAC® can be applied topically like a poultice to that area of the body for skin problems or skin conditions, twice daily.

WARNING: Not to be taken during pregnancy, by nursing mothers or by children under 10 years of age.

Keep out of reach of children, store in dry place.


  • ESSIAC® – A fully natural product
  • ESSIAC® – Standardised recipe
  • ESSIAC® – 100% herbs of the highest quality from organic farming
  • ESSIAC® – Free from bacteria, mold fungi and other microorganisms
  • ESSIAC® – Free from heavy metals
  • ESSIAC® – Manufactured in accordance with GMPs & HPB (The Health Protection Branch of the Canada Department of National Health and Welfare) standards,
  • ESSIAC® – Approved for consumption by Health Canada.
  • ESSIAC® – Free from GMO
  • ESSIAC® – Does not contain gluten.
  • ESSIAC® – Manufactured in Canada ESSIAC®  From Canada International Inc.

In Poland, ESSIAC®, submitted for registration with GIS (Główny Inspektorat Sanitarny, the Polish Main Sanitary Inspectorate) as a dietary supplement – Application No. GIS-BŻ-Ż-4230-34/AC/PW/07.

Importer i dystrybutor - sprzedaż hurtowa/detaliczna,
stacjonarna i wysyłkowa

Generalny Przedstawiciel ESSIAC®
From Canada International Inc. w Polsce
"VOL-MAL" s.c.
Centrum Medycyny Naturalnej
42-200 Częstochowa ul. Piotrkowska 29,
godziny pracy: pon. - pt. 9:00 - 18:00


+48 34 361 00 42


+48 502 167 202

Settlements by credit card and e-transfer are carried
out via Przelewy24

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